Our Group!!!
This is me and my father Eduardo!

Our little bus!!!!

I'm so glad to be back in the states with everyone but at the same time i'm very sad to be gone from everyone in Cuba. It was such an awesome experience and I think that everyones lives have been changed drastically over the past week. We had about 80 people get saved over the week, and we experienced God's prescence like nothing ever experienced before. It's funny how you seem to feel God's prescence more when you are in a foreign country. The love for God is undescribable, and the love for people they just met is unforgettable. This was truly an experience that I will never forget. Also, I now have a Cuban father, and his name is Eduardo! I love him so much, and suprisingly he is the best putt-putt player i've ever seen! It was the first time he had ever played and he was great! I also have a brother named Juan Carlos! He is hilarious!!! He laughs like crazy and always knows how to have fun! I love how we felt so accepted and like family to them. You are always greeted with a kiss and a hug and it's wonderful! Corbino (Corbin) had a lot of fun with the coconuts, and Rebecca had a great time with her boyfriend Wilson (the coconut with a face drawn on it) until Corbino smashed him and ate him. Rebecca ate him also...We had so much fun and I definately encourage everyone to go! Here are some pics to highlight the week...
Thanks for posting your pictures--I'm going to put a link to them on my blog. Awesome what Jesus has done in your life through this trip!
Claire, I am so proud of you, but you cannot move to Cuba until you graduate from college.
Love, Mom
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