Posted by Claire Bear at 4:03 PM 2 comments
I haven't posted in a while but I have a great excuse. Life has been so chaotic and crazy right now that there has not even been time to write at all! With school being over, final exams are due, and all of crazy things going on with our church, well yeah, that's all. Let me elaborate on our church situation for a little while. My father is the pastor of Capstone Community Church and we have just recently learned that we cannot meet at AmStar theaters anymore because they were bought out by another large company. Oh, and we have to be out within 30 days...yeah that was great news after the whole dilemma with our trailer being stolen. But all of that is fine now because the police found the trailer abandoned and opened with a flat tire. Actually, the tire wasn't just flat, it was practically in pieces! Our church keeps saying that God blew that tire up! So currently we are looking for a new building to meet in for church! Woohoo! Yeah, we were just looking at a possible place to meet today! So definitely pray for our church in this weird situation. So along with all of that, school got out and I had to clean out my locker, which by the way is full of crap that I somehow acquired over the school year.
Posted by Claire Bear at 2:14 PM 2 comments
Dear Beautiful,
You'll never know how much I love you.
Every time I see your beautiful face,
It is always the highlight of my day.
You won't believe how much I've longed to hold you.
How I love how you look when you sleep.
It's just like a masterpiece.
I couldn't begin to describe how big my heart is for you.
How it beats so fast when I see your smiling face.
I know you like the back of my hand.
How your eyes glisten in the sunshine.
Your skin is flawless and radiates beauty.
I can't believe you are mine!
I have you all to myself.
To dwell on your beauty all day long.
You are the first thing I see when I wake up.
The last thing I see before I sleep.
Your beauty astounds me!
How could something like you be made?
Something so great and wonderous.
You'll never know how much I love you.
Forever loving and never leaving,
Posted by Claire Bear at 4:43 PM 1 comments
What is the meaning of normal?
We use the word everyday.
Is it blonde hair or blue eyes?
Or people who stay out late.
People who are a certain religion,
Or color or shape,
Or the fact that everyone seems to hate.
"Oh it's okay!"
"Her attitude is NORMAL for any teenager today."
So tell me,
What is the definition?
Will you share it with me please!
I'll give you recognition,
For releaving our frustration,
With this one, little, word.
That trips us up.
And cuts us down.
What do they say you are?
Posted by Claire Bear at 3:56 PM 1 comments
I had a thought earlier this morning to post about trust. Did you know that there is so little of it today in our world? My grandma used to tell me about how her mom would tell her and her brother to go out and play and not come in until dinner. They would go to the grocery store and get things for their mother, walk down the street to the ice cream stand, and go anywhere and everywhere! Now, people can't even let their children go outside without watching them, children can't go trick-or-treating at Halloween because you can't trust the candy people give you unless you know them. The amount of trust is so little in our world today that it is sad. I had a thought about when we were in Cuba, the amount of trust is tremendous! If someone doesn't have enough food for their family, they go to their neighbors and ask for some food. Our translator and friend, Juan Carlos, has a chain connected to his belt loop and into his pocket. One day I asked him what it was, and he said that it was his house key. He told me that only his close friends and family have one, and those are the only people that he will allow them to see it. He took it off the hook and handed it to me, and I was so surprised. I said to him, "You trust me with this?!" He replied a simple, "Yes". I was dumbfounded to know that this man that I had known for less than a week would allow me to basically hold his life in my hand. I had his house key which was one of his most important possessions. I held on to that key the entire day, and at the end of the day I gave it back to him. I asked him, "Did you forget I had it?" He said, "No, I knew that you wouldn't lose it." The acceptance and literally placing his possessions in my hands was amazing. I think that our trust should be exactly like that with God. We should place the key to our life in his hands and completely trust him with everything we have. God believes in us, so the least we could do is return the favor. Asta Luego!
Posted by Claire Bear at 7:46 PM 1 comments