Love is like an ocean, never ending.
Love is like a highway.
You can go to many places.
Experience new things.
And have fun along the way.
Love is like an eternal flame.
Always burning and never fading away.
Love will never leave.
It does not boast or brag.
Love is patient.
Love is kind.
If everything else fades away, love is still here.
Love is always there.
Deep inside your heart.
Love will not awaken until it so desires.
Love should not be aroused until the time is right.
Love can break your heart.
It can make you crazy.
Make it last.
Use it all up.
The cup of love will never empty.
It will never run dry.
Give it out.
Share it.
Tell people about it.
Let them know how wonderful it is.
Let someone know you love them.
Express it.
Give a smile.
A hug.
A laugh.
Shake a hand.
You never know how long you'll be here.
So live it out.
By: Claire Chapman
Monday, March 26, 2007
Love is...
Posted by Claire Bear at 3:31 PM 1 comments
Thursday, March 22, 2007
The Girl
Day One...
Do you see that girl over there? She looks very focused and unaware. She's reading a book and now she's closing her eyes and bowing her head. She is acting very strange.
Day Two...
Do you see that girl? She's the same one from yesterday. But look, she has a friend, he's reading with her. She is always reading that book, over and over. She must have read it a thousand times.
Day Three...
I've seen this girl many times. At school she keeps to herself and doesn't say much. Just always reading that book. The same old book. Nothing new or different. How can this girl always read this book? Wouldn't it get boring and old?
Day Four...
I studied what the book looked like and I went to the library and found it. It's something called a bible. I'm going to find out what she was reading about. She always seemed to happy and content when she read it.
Day Five...
This book is amazing! I can't believe how wonderful it is! No wonder that girl read it all of the time! This book talks about things that this man did and all of the miracles he proformed! He died on the cross to save me! Wow!
Day Six...
The girl wasn't there anymore. I just don't know where she is! She always sits here on this bench and reads her bible. I don't understand why she didn't come.
Day Seven...
I was looking at the paper this morning and saw an obituary. It was for the girl that sat on the bench. I didn't know her, but she impacted my life. I went to her funeral and met her family. They were very kind.
You never know who you will impact. Just sitting on a bench reading your bible can change someone's life. Someone is always watching you. So when they are watching, let them watch Christ. Be Christ and let them see him through you.
By: Claire Chapman
Posted by Claire Bear at 3:46 PM 1 comments
Monday, March 19, 2007
"I'm a christian," or so you say, you don't act like it everyday, you swear you are, you take a test, you aced it because you did your best, you go to church and sing songs but you cuss and swear all day long, what's your problem, what's the deal, everyone knows your not being real, you read a chapter, you said a prayer but all along you know it won't get you there, to a place we call home, or our own, but confessing your sins to the priest won't take you there, what makes you think you can act this way, taking advantage of him day by day, he wants to save you and take you, away from all of this hurt and pain, because of you, he was slain, because of you, the price was paid, maybe if you had just stayed, and listened to what he said, now you stand before him on this day, to learn all your sins and how you disobeyed, you told him you prayed, went to church, and even stayed, but that won't get you there, maybe just a look or a stare, he says sorry my child, you should've found me, and all of your days would be filled with glee,
But this truth will set you free:
"I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the father except through me."
2 Corinthians 3:5-8
So friends, let us prevent this story, stop these people from missing God's glory, and on that day, let us rejoice, because another child has joined the family.
By: Claire Chapman
Posted by Claire Bear at 3:44 PM 1 comments
Saturday, March 17, 2007
You should take this!
Your Birthdate: September 22 |
![]() You tend to be understated and under appreciated. You have a hidden force to do amazing things, doing them your own way. People may see you as strange and shy, but they know little. Your unconventional ways have more power than they (and even you) know. Your strength: Standing up for what you know is true Your weakness: You tend to be picky and rigid Your power color: Silver Your power symbol: Square Your power month: April |
Posted by Claire Bear at 8:58 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Life is...
Life is crazy right now...You find that old friends get replaced by the new, you aren't feeling the same thing you thought you felt, you don't want to get up in the mornings, we make up excuses why we fail, we try to do the right thing only to find that it's impossible not to mess up, we realize that people change and so do you, we see that friends that you thought were faithful aren't, you get made fun of because you don't give in to things that others do, you are the only one who aspires to do something big and important, you aspire to reach your goals and find that you are alone, you have relationships that weren't as meaningful to the other person as it was to you, you find your friend doing something that totally betrays you and you tell her and she hates you, people seem to point out your mistakes instead of pointing out their own, you try to better yourself to find that you're making it worse, you trip and stumble but you have to much pride to admit that you need help, you are a total hypocrite and you say that you are a christian but you aren't, you are so two-faced that people can't trust you, you talk about people behind their backs and they get hurt, you spread vicious rumors to totally destroy and demolish every friendship you ever knew, you tell someone you love them and don't mean it, you hurt someone by excluding them and shutting them out, you lose control of yourself and can't admit that you need someone to help pick up the pieces, you are so concious about what others think that you become totally superficial, you betray everyone that loved you and expect them to still love you, when everyone else hates you and you think that there is no where to go, or no one to turn to, then think about this...
Have you ever considered or payed attention to the man that died on a cross for you? The one that had peirced hands and feet just to relieve you of your problems and your sins? Have you ever thought that this man loves you? When everything else fades away and everyone else hates you and ignores you, who's left? Only one thing...
Written By: Claire Chapman
Posted by Claire Bear at 8:01 PM 2 comments
Today was a great day! Except for the whole fact that I pulled a muscle in my right leg and have to limp! But I just learned that I have to present a project on the same day that I was going to the ropes course at Clemson and I can't go! :( Well I g2g! Bye!
Posted by Claire Bear at 4:50 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 3, 2007
Hey peeps!
Well, I just found out that Anderson is the smallest place in the world! Just kidding! I was on the Sound of Light talking to random people and they asked me where I was from and I said Anderson. Well there was a girl named Kaylan on there and she used to be in CYT with me! Ahhhh! It's such a small world!
Posted by Claire Bear at 9:33 PM 0 comments